Why Is News Such a Big Issue in Iran Today?
Why Is News Such a Big Issue in Iran Today?
According to Oxford Dictionary, news is “an event of current interest, esp of the past or of today”. As the name indicates, news is an item of current interest and is usually presented in some way to influence public opinion. According to Oxford dictionary, news is an event of current interest normally related to current affairs, which is shaped by considerable personal experience or significant news events. A daily newspaper or a radio or TV program usually consisting of news stories about recent major events.
The first printed work to give us the definition of news is an ancient Latin text written down in the twelfth century called “Praeclara adversa”, that means “of the enemy”. Based on this meaning, the term we call today as news is a “general report of events with regard to the warring parties” which normally refers to war but was later used in a broader sense to refer to any war or situation affecting the nation. Therefore the term we use now is “news” and it is not clear as to which date this word actually derives from. The earliest example of reporting the war was in the twelfth century, and since then we have been using the word to mean any kind of news.
From the above definition of news, it would seem that its main function is to inform, which is a very broad and general one. The other more important function of news is to serve as a platform for political leaders and public intellectuals to formulate public policies, and to popularize their thoughts to the masses. So from this perspective we can understand that gilgamesh was created to serve as a platform of sorts for the elite in ancient Iran to formulate their thoughts to the masses through news reports. That is why the word news is also used as a general term that everyone understands, and that it is not appropriate to use against people like Journalists who are simply doing their duty to inform the people.