What Are the Main Food Groups and Their Nutrition?

What Are the Main Food Groups and Their Nutrition?

The term food is used broadly to cover a wide range of substances that are consumed in order to supply the body with nutrients, especially in order to maintain health. In the modern world, food is considered a source of nourishment and may be consumed in the form of whole foods, as prepared dishes, or in the simple form of snacks and other food items such as bread, cereals, pasta, tea, coffee, and so on. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and usually contains necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or minerals. In some species of plants, food is used as a means of nourishment; this is called social insects, such as bees, crickets, ants and beeswax, which collect food scraps gathered from various sources and store them in their abdomens for use as food.


In the human body, food is used mainly to provide energy. It may also provide a feeling of well-being, as it often contains carbohydrates that are used as a first source of energy before essential nutrients (such as vitamins) are absorbed. Food can also serve as a medium for storage of food, as in the case of fat. Food may also be a source of nutrients, for example, in the case of grains that contain carbohydrates; these carbohydrates are broken down into energy useful to the human body. But whatever food we eat, whether carbohydrate rich or not, if taken in excessive quantities, can cause weight gain.

It has been seen that too much intake of carbohydrate-rich food can result in the accumulation of excess fats resulting in obesity. The excess fats can accumulate around the abdominal area, causing abdominal fat which is a common symptom of obesity. Obesity can thus be a symptom of a poor diet, in which the intake of food of an unimportant nature, with few or no nutrients added, results in undue weight gain. This is why it is important to keep a good diet, and exercise regularly, to reduce the risk of gaining excessive weight.