Should Tech Be Humanized and Give Good Intention?

Should Tech Be Humanized and Give Good Intention?


Should Tech Be Humanized and Give Good Intention?

What exactly is “Tech”? The Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines it as “a particular branch of science whose main focus is the development of new technical abilities or new techniques”. Tech is also the synonym for technology, a branch of science whose main focus is the development of new or modified techniques, tools, or systems for the accomplishment of specific goals, including scientific research. Some tech terms are usually associated with a particular business or industry: computer technology, software technology, digital technology, cellular technology, telecommunications technology, networking technology, and the like.

There are many new technologies being introduced every day, and nearly every one of them promises to change how we do things. The pace of invention is fast and often breathtaking, and it has been said that ” robotics engineers” may soon be able to construct artificially intelligent computers that will share their own memories with a human like a human baby. There are also tech gurus who predict that in ten to fifteen years the whole world will be online. Other than the fact that the internet provides a tremendous amount of information, there are also other factors that contribute to the accelerating pace of new technologies, some of which are simply beyond our control. It has also been said that we are on the verge of mastering space travel, and someday in the not too distant future we might be able to send people to the moon and Mars, and perhaps even perform distant lunar and astronaut exploration.

The issue at hand is whether or not we should allow ourselves to be controlled by those who use these technologies to create tech that does not have good intentions. And yes, let’s be honest, sometimes tech has a bad egg like founder, who just looks to make money by creating tech that is mostly bad. But if this is done in good faith, then maybe we should allow them to continue and develop such technologies if they have the greatest motivations for doing so.