Movies As a Sub genre of Entertainment
A movie, also known as a video, short film, independent film, or multimedia movie, is a creative work of visual art that is intended to convey ideas, themes, representations, emotions, beauty, or environment through the utilisation of moving images. There are many different types of movies that can be produced. Some movies are intended to entertain while others are made for education or social purposes. Movie production can range from the simple, hand-made video taped by someone at home, to elaborate Hollywood productions using computer animation, special effects, and more. The term “movie” refers to a movie or video, which incorporates an element of actuality in the form of creativity or entertainment.
Hollywood is probably the most well-known producer and distributor of movies. Movie studios produce and distribute movies that are based on a storyline, an ongoing story, that is told through images and portrayals of events. Most movies contain some sort of story line, although some are told completely in video or audio, with little or no spoken word. Movie studios also distribute or market a wide range of other related media such as books, theatrical plays, music albums, television shows, and video games. In recent years, independent producers and filmmakers have increasingly become involved in producing and selling their own independent films and marketing them through the internet.
Many people are familiar with the plot of the movie franchise Star Wars. George Lucas created the series, which was later brought to the big screen in the movie sequel, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Other popular movie franchises include the Indiana Jones series, which has taken the world by storm. Action movies are also very popular, particularly those that feature intense and bloody combat, and there are many movies that fall into this category. While action movies are mostly known for being violent and intense sequences of action, there are many that tell stories of heroism and good acts. Movie studios and production companies often depend on the success of these types of movies to promote upcoming movies and television programs.