Movie Posters Explode the History of the Film
A movie, also known as a movie motion picture, moving picture or video, is a complex work of visual art designed to simulate real-life experiences, often through the medium of moving pictures. From the earliest forms of home movie bloopers to technologically superior production films of the modern era, the history of the movie continues to evolve with each passing decade. The moviemaker has the challenge of coming up with new ways to tell a story or enhance and improve upon the conventional elements of a story while at the same time producing a movie that is highly entertaining on its own merit.
Special effects in movies have evolved into some of the most spectacular technological pieces of equipment ever seen. Special effects in motion pictures have also helped make some films truly unforgettable. However, in the last few decades, special effects have become overused and the result has been some movies that are flat out spectacularly bad. In such movies, the special effects are used as a distraction so that the plot can be easily ignored. Examples of this type of movie are the Jurassic Park series, Harry Potter, and the Lord of the Rings.
Although it was not possible for earlier moviemakers to achieve the level of detail that is available in today’s technologically advanced movie cameras, the progress in photographic film and photography has made it possible for movie makers to create highly realistic motion pictures. The use of computer graphics, computer animation, and specially designed visual effects have resulted in movies that rival any other form of artistic creation on earth. Thanks to the advent of motion picture technology, filmmakers are now able to tell stories that other mediums cannot.