Information About Multiple Reports
Information About Multiple Reports
In today’s world information has become a key driver of businesses. Businesses use information to create competitive advantages, market share and also help employees manage performance and motivations. There are many ways in which businesses use information to improve their business and increase productivity and profit. Information can either be information that the user needs to make a decision or information that the user already knows and is relevant to the decision making process. Some examples of this information could be pricing, demographics, customer trends etc.
The reason why many people do not see complete definition of information is that it really depends on what you want to achieve and how much information you need. For example a sales report is a form of information and is quite different than a marketing report. Sales reports provide information about customer satisfaction and loyalty. Marketing reports are focused on creating awareness and understanding of products and services. Both reports have proven to be important tools in the battle of marketing and sales. So lets say we have a marketing report and we want to show the difference between the two reports.
The problem lies with our audience. If we are presenting the information to a group of salespeople, then we need to focus on the attributes of the product or service in order to provide information that they can use to make decisions about their own sales and the services or products that they provide. We would need to show them complete definition of the concept in order for them to understand what the concept means and to determine whether or not they should purchase the product or hire the services or products. If we are presenting it to an audience of customers, then we need to know more about them in order to make a decision for them. To find out more about the customer, why they may need the product or service and how they can make use of it, we need to show them how the concept applies to them.