Film Stock, The Making Of A Great Film

Film Stock, The Making Of A Great Film

If you are wondering what makes a film a movie, there really is no single definitive answer other than whatever director (or producer) directed the film is attached to. A movie, also referred to as a “Motion Picture,” is a sequence of still pictures shown on a large screen, normally with synchronized sound, which form a moving picture. Many individuals enjoy watching new movies in the theater after they have been released. Of course, many people enjoy watching the movies on DVD, also.


The format of the film or video used to create the movie itself and the way it is presented on the screen is referred to as the format of the film and the quality of the film can be identified by the aspect ratio of the film. There are some very popular formats in use today. The format of the film is often identified by the film’s top-rated and best-selling US-based movies. Generally speaking, the aspect ratio of a film is proportional to its length and is not a fixed ratio. For instance, a film that is two hours long would not have the same aspect ratio as a short film that is only forty minutes long.

While the aspect ratio is not necessarily important to viewers, the color and other types of resolution of the film are especially important to film makers. There are many different types of film stock and each type of stock has their own unique look, feel, and level of detail, which is especially apparent in films shot on location. The film stock used to create a film is chosen because it will provide a look and feel for the film that the filmmakers and production company are most comfortable with and will produce the type of film that will draw in the largest number of viewers. Film stock is most often chosen based on the type of film that the company and director are hoping to make. The uses of film stock may include everything from background, to action, to narration, or any number of different elements that are important to the finished film.